Monday, 23 July 2012

Reaching great heights in Bled

As a reprieve after the ups and downs of Salzburg, we headed back to Slovenia to the gorgeousness of Lake Bled.  Here we stayed in the bestest place so far, Kaps Penzion, ,a kind of alpine lodge all decked out in wooden furniture made by the dad of the owner/hosts.  Beds, towels, shower all sooooo very comfy which was great after the workout we were undergo later in the day.  Scroll down to see Ayesha's account of the very adventurous stuff we did...
Kaps Penzion

view from our balcony
view from our window - the very lovely Bled castle

Ayesha recreating a photo we took in 2006 
  After a frustrating luckless search for lunch, we went up a large hill only to discover that we couldn't do our amazing plans that we'd been looking forward to (Mum actually looked like she was going to cry!) because it was 'raining' (it was hardly spitting).  Dad stayed in line determinedly (he says he was 'stoically telepathising the woman to see the error of her ways')She had walked away and sat down with her arms folded refusing to sell tickets.  Eventually, it became obvious that it wasn't going to rain and, as more people turned up, the sheer force of numbers (and Dad's will) overwhelmed her.  Win!

Soooo, we went up in a chairlift with amazing views...

and then finally we got to the top, harnessed up, did some training and hit the ropes... the high ropes course...

We all managed the green course, then Mum & I did the blue course while Dad took some photos and ate ice cream.


I was the only one with enough energy to tackle the Red Course - the hardest and highest one.  You can see how high I had to climb.  

All I'm going to say now is that I wished I had some gloves and I wish this was close to home so I could do it again, and again.

After all that, we still had something fun to do - we went on a summer toboggan back down the hill.  At first I was quite nervous and went slowly, but then I got my confidence up and just raced.  At the end, Dad said he realised the acceleration and brakes handle was just like a video game controller and he went 'zoooommm'.  You can see the track in this photo.  



    1. Captain Trevdog23 July 2012 at 15:28

      What a splendid journey!!

    2. Special agent Doobious Hayes23 July 2012 at 15:33

      Aha! I have you now Trevdog, you slippery nefarious scallywag!

  2. W.O.W
    lost for words that house is soooooooooo cute! did it come out of a fairy tale?
