Saturday, 30 June 2012

A Sonic, A Surprise and a Big Blue Bus

Here's Ayesha learning that she's about to do a 4 hour DOCTOR WHO filming locations tour around Cardiff...  We knew who the guide was, because he was the guy holding a SONIC SCREWDRIVER.  Du-du-du-dah, du-du-du-dah, OOOOH-WEEE-OOOOOOOH!

Outside Cardiff Castle, with panini in hand
The big blue bus which took us around
This is the church, St Johns, where The Runaway Bride was filmed with Donna dematerialising while walking down the aisle.   There are Knights of the Templar in one part of the church, but one of them was stolen, so it was replaced in a peculiar way.  Look closely at this picture...
You will be deleted...

 We went around a place that had lots of the locations for Human Nature and the Family of Blood, where we thought of Holly a lot and expected her to jump out in a scarecrow mask at any moment. The next picture shows where the TARDIS was hidden while the Doctor thought he was John Smith, a human.

We saw a lot of minis on the tour too, which made us think of Kira.  There were 2 parked on this street, can you spot them?  (The black one had a John Cooper signature on the bonnet).
Where Donna lived in Turn Left when she and her family were evacuated.
 This is the church where Rose's parents were going to a wedding when they were attacked by Reapers in Father's Day.  We also saw the intersection where her dad finally died.
Cowering in fear of reapers
 A pub in Cardiff has an interesting entrance to their toilets...

If you don't know what this is, you're a noob.
 When we got to the Ponds' blue house, I obviously listened very carefully to our guide, Matt, who has appeared in 6 episodes himself (as an extra) and is also an avid Whovian (or Wholigan, if you like).

And, finally, Ayesha took a starring role in the tour's reenactment of the Amy Pond and the Doctor scene in 'Leadworth' for The Eleventh Hour.  This took place exactly where the original scene was shot.

AYESHA: I'm just going to point out, this is the only take, no practicing AND I couldn't properly see the script.


  1. Awesome, I'm so jealous..
    How much bigger was that toilet on the inside?

  2. Clearly I'm a noob - but I wiped poo off your bum many times therefore I'm allowed to be nooby! Looks like you guys are having a ball

  3. We are noobs too .... great to see you on skype ... Keesha and chooks are enjoying the good life ! Mum and Dad x

    2 scarecrow... hehehe
    3 i am so jealous.

  5. jelous!thats an understatement!!!! aww im so happy for you guys that looks amazing!!
    WoW i was expecting you to say 'and then the daleks came round the corner and nearly exterminated us!'

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  7. What a surprise indeed! I enjoyed reading it sheerly
