Monday, 18 June 2012

Leaving her behind

She's been beach-walked, washed, brushed, coddled and cuddled and she'll be perfectly spoiled by Nanny and Poppy.  But we're leaving our puppy behind.  Sigh


  1. WWWWOOOF, sniff sniff, rumble rumble gnaw gnaw... sigh. But Olive wanted you to COME!!!!!! Will she ever get to lead you astray down the poo munching, puddle splashing path of doggy righteousness!!???

    BLoody quarantine hey. My dog aint got rabies or nuffin I tells you. She might roll in cow poo they and bring you over a bit of Foot + Mouth if you like though...

    1. Oi there Libacious. Hope the camping was a hoot and all stresses were left behind. We so loved staying with you, playing charades and yabbering. Cannae believe we didn't photograph the moment... but we got photos of the animals. Geez. We love youse xxxx

  2. Mutely is having the time of her life ... Walks and non stop stroking ... Mustn't stop or you get the paw and reproachful gaze ... Dad xx
